TV Can Be a Good Parent Four Levels

Four Levels of TV Can Be a Good Parent

Four Levels of the essay “TV Can Be a Good Parent” are mentioned below:

Literal Comprehension

Ariel Gore, a single mother, challenges the guidelines set by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) regarding TV viewing for babies and toddlers. She argues that while the AAP emphasizes the importance of direct interaction with parents for young children, it overlooks the practical challenges faced by working parents, especially single mothers.

Drawing from her own experiences, Gore highlights the significant differences between her childhood, where communal support was readily available, and her current reality, where she struggles to balance work and childcare responsibilities.

She acknowledges the value of human interaction but asserts that TV can serve as a supplementary caregiver, providing educational content and entertainment for children in the absence of parental supervision.


Gore’s essay presents a nuanced perspective on the role of TV in childcare, particularly for economically disadvantaged families. She contends that while direct interaction with parents is ideal, it is not always feasible, especially for single mothers who must work to support their families.

By advocating for the practical benefits of TV, Gore challenges societal perceptions of parenting and highlights the need for greater understanding and support for working parents.

She emphasizes the importance of educational programming and responsible viewing habits, suggesting that TV can play a positive role in children’s development when used appropriately.

Critical Thinking

The essay prompts critical reflection on the AAP’s guidelines and the broader societal context in which they are situated. Gore raises important questions about the accessibility of childcare options for working parents and the impact of economic inequality on family dynamics.

Critics may question the long-term effects of excessive screen time on children’s health and development, as well as the potential risks associated with unsupervised viewing.

Additionally, Gore’s call for systemic changes, such as living wage jobs and support for stay-at-home parents, prompts consideration of broader policy implications and societal priorities.


Reading Gore’s essay prompts personal reflection on the complexities of modern parenting and the challenges faced by families in balancing work and childcare responsibilities. As a parent, I empathize with Gore’s struggles and recognize the importance of finding practical solutions to support working parents.

While I agree that TV can serve as a valuable tool for managing time and providing entertainment, I also acknowledge the need for responsible viewing habits and the importance of maintaining a balance between screen time and real-world interactions for children’s overall well-being.

Gore’s essay serves as a reminder of the ongoing debate surrounding the role of technology in family life and the need for greater support for working families in today’s society.

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