Four Levels of Curbing the One Eyed Monster

Curbing the One Eyed Monster Four Levels

Four levels of the story Curbing the One-Eyed Monster are mentioned below:

Curbing= control, monster = TV

Literal Comprehension

Here in the story “Curbing The One-Eyed Monster” TV stands for one-eyed monster & it is written in the context of America. The writer, Fiona C. Jenkins (1947) shows the more negative impact of TV as well as some positive.

According to the writer, TV stations are controlled by rich people. Rich people are advertising different types of products on the TV and some are useless.

But poor people are hypnotized and compelled by it. Because whatever comes on the TV they are not able to change it. Certain people are against TV advertisements by saying we are forgetting our culture by watching TV, we are following others’ culture by watching TV, and we are cheating on TV. Which affected our society.


Maybe this story is trying to tell us that we are hypnotized by other cultures. And, we are unable to show the difference between our culture & others’ culture.

We are cheated by TV & we lose our imaginative power. Rich people show news on TV as their need & we are hypnotized by it. So, TV’s bad effects on us. Therefore, we do physical activities as well as Yoga.

Critical Thinking

As I read this story it gives me a good lesson about the differences between one culture to another. However it makes some questions in my mind,

  • Are all the TV advertisements false?
  • Are they not their educational programs?
  • If we do not watch it how is it possible to know about newly launched products?
  • Is it real to forget their culture by watching TV?
  • If all the advertisers advertise useless products how do we get good product advertisements?


Before reading this curbing the one-eyed monster story. I always used to watch TV programs either good programs or bad programs. But after reading this text I have decided to see only good programs and avoid bad programs.

Read More: “Why Go To University?” Four Levels and Summary

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