Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening Four Levels

Four Levels of Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening

Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening Four Levels

Four levels of the poem Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening are as follows:

Literal Comprehension

“Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening” is a nature poem composed by American poet Robert Frost. In this poem, the poet and his horse are going home through the jungle on a snowy evening.

The writer was enjoying the evening seeing the beautiful view of nature. But there is no any farmhouse near to stay there and this evening is the darkest evening of the year too.

Then the horse gives a harness bell to the speaker, symbolizing that not to stay there. Speaker has responsibilities too.

And, again they started towards their village. At last, the speaker says I have miles to go before I sleep, I have miles to go before I sleep.


Maybe this poem tries to interpret the combination of nature ( snow and wild) and artificial objects (harness bell).

We should not be involved in other activities without fulfilling our responsibilities. Every human has his/ her responsibilities to their family, society, and nation, and if we are unable to complete our responsibilities we never are good persons.

Also, this poem interprets that sometimes animals give a lesson to humans.

Critical Thinking

This poem is a really beautiful poem that reflects the beauty of nature that a person should have to enjoy once in a lifetime. As beautiful as this poem is some beautiful questions arise too.

  • How can we claim that the horse is more conscious than the speaker?
  • Is there any type of fear to the speaker to stop such a dark evening?
  • How can we believe that the harness bell of the horse symbol is not to stay there?
  • Is it true that while fulfilling our responsibilities we should not take any type of responsibility?


This poem taught me never to spend too much time on non-productive activities. So I decided I would fulfill my responsibilities to be a good person in front of others.

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