Four Levels of The Five Stages of Grief

The Five Stages of Grief Four Levels

Four levels of the poem The Five Stages of Grief are as follows:

Literal Comprehension

“The Five Stages of Grief” is a poem by American Poet Linda Pastan. In this poem, the writer loses her husband, the most important person in her life.

And, someone told her she should go through the five stages of grief that could be the simple way to forget him.

The first stage is denial, at first, she denied her husband’s absence and she gave him toast and paper on the table but her husband behinds the paper.

She becomes very angry and burns the toast takes the paper and reads herself.

Then, she starts to bargain with death and search for things that can be exchangeable for him. After that, remembering her past life with her husband she becomes too sad (depressed).

After passing time, she has accepted the death of her husband and gets up to fight with upcoming challenges realizing that life and death a natural processes in human life.


The main theme of this poem is that life and death a natural processes, everybody has to face them and accept them, and it happens in everybody’s life.

When somebody goes from our life then we know the real value of that person. This poem taught us to love loved ones when they are alive otherwise it will be too late. Also, this poem tells us we have to accept the five stages of grief.

Critical Thinking

Some questionable aspects of this poem are;

  • Is it fruitful to be angry after losing anyone?
  • Is it possible to get back the dead person through bargaining?
  • Do the five stages of grief help to forget the dead person?
  • Does everyone go through the five stages of grief when they lose a person in their life?


The writer of this poem reminded me of the event when my best friend’s dad died. His mom was crying so hard and finding her husband everywhere pretending he was there.

She stopped eating everything saying while he comes we will eat together. But after someday we convinced her saying life and death happen in everybody’s life.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the five stages of grief?

The five stages of grief are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.

Read More: Four Levels of Where The Mind Is Without Fear

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